Friday, July 6, 2012

As the song goes

Moving was quite an experience.  I spent July 4th packing at my old place until the wee hours of the morning (complete with a 2:30am trip to 7-Eleven to buy packing tape).  I could not possibly have gotten it done without help from Heather - who rocked out the kitchen and generally kept me sane (and fed me).

Gold star for Heather in the category of "Friend."

Moving day saw the arrival of my Mom with a giant iced coffee.  She helped with some more packing, cleaned dust off of furniture before it went out the door and helped me move the kitty into the new place. 

Gold ribbon for Mom in the category of "Mom."

After the move, I was nearly catatonic with exhaustion.  Enter Ellie with food, ginger ale, ice, cupcakes and love for Puzzle, making my first night in my new home more fun.

Gold kitty trophy for Ellie, also in the category of "Friend."

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