Friday, June 22, 2012

Obsessive List Making

13 days until I move.  I can't stop thinking about all the things I need to do.  I carry this graph paper composition notebook around with me everywhere I go and scribble measurements, phone numbers for contractors, ideas for furniture arranging and of course, to do lists.  I make list after list after list.  The lists seemed insurmountable.  Every time I crossed something off the list, 4 more things got added.  I hate when the list runs onto more than one page - it makes me feel like I can't get my head around it.

Today I had the (possibly brilliant, possibly pointless) idea of splitting my lists into categories: Loft pre-move, Loft post-move, Old home, Other.  The last one is mostly stuff I need to do to keep my life running while all this is going on (like renewing my car registration) and/or stuff I can accomplish on the internet (like arranging to transfer my cable and internet).

I think the thing that will save my sanity the most was identifying the things that can wait until after I move.  I was making myself crazy with "hire painters" mixed in with "replace mirror in bathroom." 

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! My solution has been to stop keeping lists...and then I just complain that there's no mirror in the bathroom, etc.! ;)
